Product camp socal

ProductCamp is a free "unconference" event where product management and marketing professionals convene to learn, share their knowledge and connect with each other. ProductCamps are produced by local groups of practitioners, not a national conference-producing entity. There have been over 150 ProductCamps in over 40 cities worldwide after the original took place in the Silicon Valley in March 2008. OC Product Managers is the proud producer of ProductCamp SoCal, which has become recognized as one of the largest and best ProductCamps.
The "unconference" format means there are no pre-set topics or speakers. Attendees are encouraged to propose topics for discussion. Topic proposals are voted on and the ones that get the most votes are slated into a schedule of breakout sessions throughout the day. Sessions are meant to be discussions, not lectures. Participants are encouraged to "vote with their feet" and leave a session that they don't find interesting in favor of another concurrent session. Lunch and snacks are provided and there is plenty of time for networking between sessions.
Past ProductCamp SoCal "Unconferences" are listed below.
- Febraury 27, 2010 @ UC Irvine - 178 participants
- November 6, 2010 @ Cal State Fullerton - 235 participants
- October 15, 2011 @ Cal State Fullerton - 341 participants
- November 3, 2012 @ Cal State Fullerton - 424 participants
- October 11, 2014 @ EventPlex Anaheim
- October 24, 2015 @ EventPlex Anaheim